2012 Summer Camp Highlights
The Scouts of Troop 3 have always looked for unusual ways to celebrate important milestones in the troop’s history.
This year, with the troop’s 95th anniversary reunion approaching in August, the members and leaders decided to do something unique, something that few, if any other troops, in the local Boy Scout council have ever attempted.
Early on July 23rd, The Scouts and leaders of Troop 3 set out to hike 24 miles from Parkersburg to their summer campsite at Camp Smitty on the Hughes River in Wirt County, WV. A hike of this magnitude was planned to build camaraderie while providing a real-life lesson on the importance of perseverance and good preparation.
The hike was especially challenging since the Scouts carried full packs, several quarts of water, each, to combat dehydration on a warm, sunny day when temperatures topped out at 94 degrees.
The first part of the trek took place on the rail trail from Parkersburg to Walker, WV. At Walker, the Scouts exited the trail and used topo maps to plot the rest of their hike across the backcountry to Freeport, WV, on Route 47, and then on to Camp Smitty.
Although the hike was originally planned to take two days, with an overnight in between to be spent on the trail, the group set an up-tempo pace and made it into Camp Smitty before dark, in just one day.
Once in camp, Troop 3’s 94th consecutive annual summer camp was underway. And, what a camp it was! First of all, the troop bugler kept the daily camp program running on schedule, which continued the “norm” set by all previous Troop 3 camps!!
Down at the riverfront, the Hughes River was in pool stage, until the last day of camp. The warm, clear water made for excellent swimming and presented an opportunity to spend time in the canoes and kayaks.
Like years in the past, the Scouts enjoyed an exciting program of outdoor activities, truly unique to Troop 3 summer camps. Highlights included; the annual treasure hunt, string burning contests, hikes, orienteering, water melon feeds, and the chance to practice important outdoor Scouting skills that can best be taught in a true wilderness setting like Camp Smitty.
In addition to the great food, which again included T-bone steaks, eggs Benedict, and other gastronomic favorites, evenings were spent around roaring campfires enjoying skits, laughter, and favorite songs that kept everyone in good spirits.
The weather was generally warm and dry until the last evening when heavy rain roared over the surrounding hills and down onto the campsite. While spirits remained high, the final day of camp was a little damp, which provided a good incentive for everyone to pack up the camp gear in late afternoon and then head for town.
For 48 consecutive years, Camp Smitty has been the wilderness destination for Troop 3’s annual summer camp experience. This year’s outing helped cement life-long friendships and provided many unique memories, which will be fondly recalled, by one and all, for years to come!
The Scouting skills learned, and the resulting advancement from this year’s summer camp, will provide a solid base for several Scouts to attain the rank of Eagle Scout rank over the next one to two years.
Once again, Troop 3 summer camp managed to provide a uniquely satisfying experience for everyone who attended. The members and leaders are already looking forward to their 49th year at Camp Smitty during the summer of 2013. If any alumni are interested in joining us, please let us know?
Troop 3 is always on the lookout for new member candidates who might be interested in the unique outdoor program we provide? If you’d like more information, please let us know?