2010 Summer Camp Highlights
Troop 3’s 92nd annual summer camp took place the week of July 24-31, 2010. For 46 years, at the Troop's private retreat, "Camp Smitty", on the Hughes River in Wirt County, West Virginia, the “Out in Scouting” has provided some very special and lasting memories for everyone who has had the privilege of camping in this beautiful and unique wilderness area.
While the weather turned out to be warm and quite humid, not a drop of rain fell during the entire week. At night a white, full moon, seemingly magnified by the clear skies, lit up the surrounding woods with a “day like’ brightness that had not been experienced in recent memory.
From sunup to sundown, Alexander Gilbert’s bugle calls kept the daily camp routine running like a “finely oiled” watch. In addition to preparing their meals via the “Patrol System”, learning new Scouting skills, and competing for the daily Inspection Award, the campers enjoyed an athletic meet and watermelon “scramble, string burning contests, orienteering events, a “night hike”, and Treasure Hunt that covered the entire camp property.
One of the highlights was a cross-country hike to Camp Kootaga, which tested the camper’s abilities to successfully navigate wilderness terrain using topo maps and compasses. Needless to say, everyone “passed” with “flying colors”!
Down at the waterfront, the Scout’s “tested” their Pioneering skills by lashing together a diving tower. Since the river was in great condition, at least two refreshing swims were held each day and the canoes and kayaks were kept busy throughout the week.
Evenings were spent around roaring campfires enjoying skits, laughter, and singing old favorites that kept everyone’s spirits high. After “taps”, the Whippoorwills and Screech Owls that called to each other throughout the surrounding hills serenaded the campers each night.
Friday night’s “closing” campfire recognized the Scouts for advancement accomplished during the week. Several campers earned merit badges and moved up in rank to Second Class, First Class, Star and/or Life Scout. The highlight of the evening occurred when a special Court of Honor awarded the coveted rank of Eagle to David Tischnell and Kylin Coleman, the 126th and 127thrd Eagle Scouts in Troop 3 history
The Otters won the Annual “Inspection” Award for consistently maintaining the cleanest patrol site during the entire camp, and the Stags walked off with the “Honor Patrol” Award.
We are in need of adult leaders for our 2011 summer camp, which will be held the week of July 23-30, 2011.
If you are an alum, would like to help out, and have some really great fun while doing so, consider yourself invited! The next step is up to you. Your favor of a positive reply via email, to Scouting@Troop3wv.org will be much appreciated!!
Troop 3’s annual summer wilderness camp is an exciting, energizing, and tremendously satisfying personal experience that will help to keep one positively focused for the rest of the year. Come and enjoy this wonderful event with us once again. You’ll be glad you did!!
We look forward to hearing from you!!!!!!!