2009 Summer Camp Highlights
2009 Summer {-Less} Camp – The “Coldest Ever”
Troop 3’s 91st annual summer camp took place the week of July 18-25, at Camp
Smitty on the beautiful Hughes River in Wirt County, West Virginia. This year’s
wilderness outing took place in a unique setting with an abundance of wildlife,
and thoroughly tested each camper’s Scouting skills.
July turned out to be the coldest in history for the area and some record lows
were set during the week. While this kept the bugs away and made for good
sleeping, we could have used a little more “Global Warming” during the day,
especially in the mornings.
From sunup to sundown, timely bugle calls kept the daily routine running like
a “finely oiled” watch. In addition to preparing their meals, learning many new
Scouting skills, and competing for the daily inspection award, the campers
also enjoyed an athletic meet and watermelon “scramble. string burning
contests, orienteering, and separate hikes using topo maps and compasses
to Camp Kootaga, and Lyda’s Cave.
Lyda’s Cave, which can easily sleep as many as 70 Scouts, was a big hit
and impressed the hikers so much that everyone said they’d like to return
for a campout later this year.
Down at the waterfront, the clear river provided refreshing swims and an
opportunity to enjoy supervised use of the canoes and kayaks. Many
fun-filled hours on the river were provided via two canoe and kayak trips
that tested everyone’s boating skills.
Evenings were spent around roaring campfires enjoying skits, laughter,
and “How Hows”, while singing old favorites that that kept everyone in
good spirits. This year saw the emergence of a ”duo” called the
“Bob & Ron Show”. This” act” put on by two “ancient campers” each with
over fifty years camping experience, produced encores and laughs
while regaling everyone with stories and old songs.
Friday night’s “closing” campfire program with the Scout’s families in
attendance, included singing, presentation of the “best of the best” skits,
and recognized each of the Scouts for all the advancement they
accomplished during the week. Several campers earned various merit
badges and advanced in rank to Second Class, First Class, Star and/or
Life Scout. The highlight of the evening occurred when a special Court of
Honor was convened to award the coveted rank of Eagle Scout to
Donovan Kidwell. Mr. Kidwell is Troop 3’s 123rd Eagle Scout.
In the “Special Patrol Award” category, the Stags, in a tightly contested
race with the Otters, won the Annual “Inspection Award” for consistently
maintaining the cleanest patrol site during the entire camp.
While our 45th year at Camp Smitty is now history, planning is already
underway for next year. Right now, we are in need of several troop alums
to serve as adult leaders at our upcoming summer camp, which will be
held the week of July 24-31, 2010.
Troop 3’s annual summer wilderness camp is a rare experience
“like no other”! Plan now to join us for a week of fun, fellowship, learning,
and laughter, as we once again make our pilgrimage to “roughing it” in
the great outdoors in one of the most beautiful and isolated places
in West Virginia.
Now that you have been invited to serve, the next step is up to you. Your
favor of a positive reply via email, to help us out by serving as an adult